February 2011 Meeting Summary

February 19, 2011 Cleveland Ufology Project Meeting Summary

Aaron began the meeting with a quick review of the speakers scheduled to do presentations for the next three meetings:

March 19 – Fritz Zimmerman will be our speaker. He’s author of The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley. From Amazon.com website: Fritz Zimmerman is an unaffiliated scholar who has spent 12 years in both academic pursuits and field work in search of the origins and remains of the Allegewi Hopewell mound builders.http://www.amazon.com/Nephilim-Chronicles-Fallen-Angels-Valley/dp/1451581262

April 16 – C.U.P. Book club! We’re reading A.D. After Disclosure, The People’s Guide to Life After Contact by Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel. We’ll have a very special guest joining us via Skype to take your questions. Hint: It’s one of the authors! Please READ the book if you’d like to discuss it and ask questions. You can get it here: http://www.afterdisclosure.com/

May 21 – Peter Robbins will be our speaker via Skype. Peter Robbins has been involved in UFO studies for twenty-five years -as a researcher, investigator, writer, lecturer, best-selling author, and currently as Executive Assistant to Budd Hopkins’ Intruders Foundation. One of Peter’s first speaking engagements was at C.U.P.!  He’s planning on speaking to us about UFO Disclosure. There was also a request to have him speak about the Bentwaters, England incident. In any case it will be a good presentation that you won’t want to miss!    http://www.ufoevidence.org/researchers/detail69.htm

He also passed around a copy of Wonders in the Sky by Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubek – “…unexplained aerial objects from antiquity to modern times.”

Maryann Hawk mentioned that Tom Theophanous, who was a past speaker at several C.U.P. meetings is now co-host with Scott Jordan on Spectrum Radio at 10:55 on Tuesdays – Number One worldwide live internet talk.  www.bbsradio.com.

Dan Wilson talked about Newspaper Archives.Com; On January 13, 1972 there was an article with the headline Red Alert or Hoax about an event which took place inClovis,New Mexico and while the article appeared in newspapers in other states, not one paper inNew Mexico ran the material.  He also mentioned a website called UFO DNA.COM.

Aaron mentioned that he’s begun teaching the UFO class at Oberlin for the 12th session.

Sheryl Clark talked about her niece’s experience seeing the Phoenix Lights.  She had been on the opposite side of the mountain from the usual camera views which televised the reports of the story.  She is uncomfortable with the story because her religions is opposed to such theories but she says she knows what she saw and was at a direct level with the amber (not yellow as others reported) lights.  She said the triangle covered the whole city and was about a mile from one end to the other end; she was about the distance of the classroom we were in – roughly 15 or 20 feet from the craft; she could see the metal.  She was terrified and knew that they saw her and knew where she was going.  There was no noise.  It was eerily quiet.

Sharon Shriver related her experience from last night (February 18th).  She had been having difficulty sleeping.  She woke up at 2:30 a.m. hearing a loud hum.  While she saw nothing after looking outside, she was overcome by the sensation she felt thirty years ago when she saw a rectangular craft, from underside, felt heaviness, magnetism, inertia, terrified, couldn’t see, but sensed a presence on either side of her, a gentleness or restraining effort.  This feeling left her with the sense that the event of thirty years ago is not over.
