February 2013 Meeting Summary

16 February 2013 Cleveland Ufology Project Meeting Summary

This was our first meeting back in our old meeting place, the Tri-C Western Campus off of York and Pleasant Valley Roads, with our new Treasurer, Wendy, accepting new or renewed memberships.  Aaron revised the sign-in form which we will be using from this meeting forward.  He reminded us that Dale will have a presentation in March and Sam in April.  Both gentlemen will be bringing some new equipment to show and tell us about.


Tom had reviewed the data gathered on our Disclosure Day last July at the Brecksville Library and he pulled material from those reports to share with us, indicating the types of sighting experiences of local folks over the past few decades.  There was some conversation about these events by various members of the group.


Last year Tom did forty library presentations but this year his agenda will be slightly different and will include 2 astronomy clubs and one 4th grade class.


We watched the You Tube videos of the meteor that crashed in the town in the Siberian town.  Richard pointed out that all of the cars are equipped with dash cam video recorders so the citizens can defend themselves in insurance claims; which is how the event was captured so quickly as it was happening.  There was some speculation about the asteroid we have been following in its course within our magnetic field – closer than some of the satellites and the, from out of the blue, totally unexpected fireball that crashed in Russia.  Tom Steele pointed out that we need to look at the bigger picture when it comes to earth and where we may be headed.  He said our purpose in this dimension is three fold:

Serve God

Help mankind

Grow in knowledge and love

His mother spoke briefly about some paranormal experiences she has had in the house they live in.  Ted also mentioned some peculiar experiences he’s recently become aware of.


For any who may not know, Wendy, our treasurer, is involved in paranormal investigations.


Aaron reminded us of a post he put on Facebook about red dwarf stars with BILLIONS of earth like planets.  Perhaps there is some place we could retreat to after all.



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